Saturday, June 1, 2024

I like country music as much as the next guy, but damn...

I really don't have to comment on this, do I?

Here's the two-day lineup. Now I understand why all these rock and country music stars live in such big houses. I gotta be honest - there ain't a one of 'em I'd actually pay to see perform, let alone a ticket price that's 150% of my mortgage payment. A friend of mine is selling these because she bought them before telling her husband. When they came UPS he found out what she paid for them. End of concert plans.


News outlets are reporting that so-called 'students' at Columbia University set up a new anti-Israel encampment on campus Friday night as the school hosts alumni weekend. The defiant demonstrators — members of Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine — set up camp on the Manhattan campus’ south lawns alongside a giant white party tent already in place for the alumni event festivities that end Saturday. “We’re back bitches,” declared one sign the protesters put up.
If ever there was an example of a couple of 'kids' who need a serius ass-kicking, these might be my candidates, the smug little fuckwads. Juss' sayin'...



I really don't need to keep harping on what an attention whore this guy is, but seriously, is he so stunad that he doesn't even know how fuckin' stupid he looks in a jacket and tie wearing a fuckin' football helmet while he gives a speech? Jeez friggin' Louise...

Yeah we did - we had fake cigarette candy. Made us look cool, didn't it?





Here's a nice idea for a simple gift...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!





And here I was thinking Greenpeace were those 'save the whales'
 hippies and it turns out they're the 'let the kids die, 
fuck 'em' hippies. I understand now. WTF was I thinking?




  1. Stunado = out of tune, and now we all know where the other slang term, "giving a tune-up" comes from, "capite"?

  2. Re: The Radio Bubble: I submit aliens have sampled what they've seen and decided to remain out of contact.

  3. They know we are here. They have been using earth as their insane asylum for may decades.

  4. We had two kinds oh play cigarettes to choose from - the hard white candy sticks with a red end and a chocolate stick in a paper tube. Now the kids can't have make believe cigarettes but they can get high THC dope and hard drugs easier than a real cigarette.

  5. Which court blocked the rice? If it was a Philippine court, it's their country. If it was any other court, the Philippines should ignore it.

  6. Genetically modified grains and the explosion of genetically modified vegetable seeds is why we went from little to no food allergies to it being reported in 2022 that an estimated 26 million adults and 5.6 million children had food allergies. Food allergies in children increased by about 50% between 1997 and 2011.

    I've never agreed with Greenpeace until this issue.
