Friday, June 21, 2024

How much land can I buy in China?

 Zero. Nada gotdam square inch. But they sure as fuck 
like buying up farmland over here...  
And it's no coincidence that so much of it is near military 
bases, is it? Chinese holdings total under one percent of foreign-owned agricultural land in the US, but it's the proximity to critical military installations which raises concerns. 
For example, Fort Liberty (formerly Ft. Bragg, and hopefully once again if Trump gets in) in North Carolina, for example, is surrounded by Chinese-owned farmland within a 30-mile radius.
Here's a nice idea for a gift that's 
both attractive and timely...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
There's only one left - it's only $ 20.00 - and it comes with free shipping!

1 comment:

  1. Downwind of SeattleJune 22, 2024 at 9:23 AM

    That red blob just to the east of Joint Base Lewis/McCord looks like it's near the Yakima Training Center. A key location for monitoring training exercises, gathering sigint, and testing if the latest encryption can be decoded.


Hiding in plain sight (sorta) ain't all it's cracked up to be anymore. Especially in Lebanon...

Guess they threw a coupla bunker busters at that fat fuck  while he was taking a dump. Can you imagine how loud that was? The bigger problem...