Saturday, June 22, 2024

Do you have faith in any government doctors anymore? There's a good reason you don't...

Thanks, Doc. Don't spend any time trying to find an actual real vaccine for Covid or a cure for cancre or even the common cold. Worry about stupid shit like this - as if kids would give a flying fuck about any kind of warning. Guy probably a quarter mil a year to come out with stupid shit like this. God help us...


  1. This does not make sense for the "left". If you put warning labels, restrict Social Media for youth, aren't you just destroying the messaging to kids to become what ever gender (like there are lots of options) they want? Bat S**t crazy is not way to go through life.... but we are witnessing it...


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...