Thursday, June 6, 2024

As my friend Abalou Visco would say, 'Joe - you could fuck up a one-car funeral...'

It almost as bad as checking your watch during a funeral service, Joe... 
He fucked up a couple of times, actually. My brother used to kid me about how Trump was perceived in Europe. If he were here now, what would his impression of Joey B. be? 
Read this article and weep for who the leader of our country is...
You know someone who's going to be
 celebrating a birthday or anniversary
 soon. Why not buy this for her?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a perfect gift and the price includes free shipping. 


  1. Joe sittin' down? Uhhh, nope. Ask any young mother who's trying to potty train her toddler. She can tell you what Biden just did.

  2. spelled shit wrong


She must have missed a semester of Econ101...

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul approved a controversial law that will force oil, natural-gas and coal companies to fork over a staggering $75 bi...