Monday, May 13, 2024

Voodoo Economics 101 - California style. Thanks, Gavin - we needed a laugh today...

Okay, so maybe I'm not as smart as the average bear, but can you somehow explain to me - and all the people in your state - how not spending money you weren't going to spend in the first place is - at least according to you - 'saving money'?

Read this Breitbart article (it's short) and see if you can explain it to me.
And yes - I really do like making fun of jerkoffs like this guy...


  1. The jobs were budgeted. Line items removed.

  2. Really expected a "five year plan" instead of only 2. After all his betters in the USSR had 5 year plans.

  3. At least Newsom is acknowledging that there is a problem.

  4. Just because thejob is vacant doesn’t mean the state isn’t cutting a paycheck for it. Somebody is playing games.

  5. Of course his bullshit is nonsense, but he is talking to California voters. They will swallow the whole load, pun intended, just like they always do and rush out to vote for more it it. Fine, as long as they stay in California.

  6. When they are looking for a different dem to run for President half way thru the dem convention he wants to be able to say, "Look! I saved money in California!".
