Thursday, May 23, 2024

I guess we all should read the book of Ruth...

I don't know diddly about the book, so I got chastised 
for saying the bible was only written by men...  

And one guy said 'What about the Book of Ruth' and my only thought 
was 'Babe Ruth wrote a book?' Anyway, the Book of Ruth in the bible sorta talks about how fucked up it was when the Jews were being ruled by the judges - at least that's the image I got.
Well, guess what? Whenever that was supposed to happen in the past, the past is catching up to us. It seems more and more these days that judges are determining our laws, not our elected leaders.
Anyway, The law in question here made it a felony for someone to transport undocumented migrants into the state. Click on that picture to read another story about how judges are interfering with our lives. P.S. - Our Governor subbed for Hannity yesterday - I thought he did a pretty good job...




 Nikki Haley said Wednesday she will vote for Donald Trump, even though she 
has previously called him "not qualified" to lead the nation. 
Haley, in her first political public appearance since suspending her campaign, announced she will be voting for Trump, despite all of her intense and extensive criticism of the indicted former president's actions and character. Haley, a former South Carolina governor, served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in the Trump administration. 
Since the beginning of the year, Haley has called Trump "as unhinged" and "more unhinged than he ever was." During a February rally, Haley called Trump "not qualified to be the president of the United States," after he blasted Haley's deployed husband. 
"I will be voting for Trump," Haley said during Wednesday's event at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. "Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech." 
If you care, click on the screen cap to hear her comments.




Here's a nice idea for a simple gift, and you 
don't need a reason to buy them for her...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 for the pair and that price includes free shipping!

I think the metaphor implied in the cartoon is whether or not anyone is capable of telling the people in California that they worry about the stupidest shit and sooner or later they'll slip and fall off the ledge. The State Senate just passed a law that says all new cars sold in the state have to have a built-in feature that beeps your own horn if you go over the speed limit. I shit you not - that's what they worry about.

How cold ya think that water is?

All the shit the government'll give you if you do all this green shit 
they're jamming down our throats...




  1. The book of Ruth WAS written by a man. It was about Ruth, but not written by Ruth.

  2. Tax benefits of a green house? Just do the math on the tax "savings" vs the cost. Audit? Sure- it's a couple hundred bucks and you get an action list. Insulation? That's been a slam dunk forever, recovery time is around 10 yrs and then it's net positive. Extra money, if you pay taxes, just makes the known good deal better. Heat pump? Maybe, do the costs, both capital and running vs conventional furnace/AC- but be sure you get real, as opposed to gub-mint, numbers. Solar? Net loss. EV? EVen worse. Neither can withstand a lifecycle analysis, and neither lowers your actual costs over time if you account for capital and maintenance as well as running costs.

  3. The person who died 10 minutes after the ceasefire was Private First Class Charles Havlat in Volary, Czechoslovakia, May 7, 1945. He was the last to die in the European theatre. The last to die in WW2 was Sergeant Anthony J. Marchione who bled to death in the sky above Tokyo, Japan, August 18, 1945.

  4. You were right. No women wrote any books in the Bible. Samuel wrote the book of Ruth.

  5. Me? I have grown up a FL kid. Used to the hot humid cold wet whatever. I still live by the old ways. Small old trailer, don't turn on the window shaker till the temps rise above 90. Then off when it goes down and use a couple strategically placed fans... My energy use on the bill are usually around $20-30 a month year around. The rest of the bill pisses me off. Think I would get a rebate? Ha!!! You know, fuck you! (that would be me)


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