Saturday, May 4, 2024

Every single word in this book - every one. How did they get away with it for so long?

Funny thing about the Bible. Not ONE single word - NOT ONE - 
is attributed to or was contributed by  a woman. Yeah. That's a book 
ya wanna use as a basis for how to live yer life...


All coffee beans naturally contain caffeine. In order to make a cup of decaf, the beans must undergo a process using chemical solvents, primarily with methylene chloride. I thought you needed to know that.


The Guardian did a report about how members of the 'global super-rich' crowd are spending as much as $500,000 on “ultra-exclusive” packages for the Paris 2024 Olympics that promoters claim include meeting athletes, access to the athletes’ village and “the chance to be part of the opening ceremony”.
Let's think about this for a minute. How tight do you think security is gonna be during the Olympics - do you really wanna be somewhere - in any crowded environment anywhere in France these days?
I just get a scenario in my head that's straight out of the best Vince Flynn/Mitch Rapp novel, and if you don't know who either one of those guys are and you like a good book once in a while, you might wanna google those names.

Honest to god I hate to admit it, but it took me
 more than a minute to get this one...


We all know they're mostly fuckin' idiots anyway, so why not try to scam 
'em a little. They probably charged like $ 6.00 a piece for the donuts.

There's this...


My wife goes through a jar of pickles just about once a week. She'll put the fuckin' things on a PBJ if she's in the mood. She chops them up and adds them to tina salad when the rare ocassion arises and she actually makes a tuna salad. Evidently, I wasn't at the food committee meeting the day they determined that that should be my job for the rest of my life. I think she chops 'em up and puts 'em in her oatmeal - it's disgusting. 
Seriously, I like pickles on my burger, but thats pretty much it. 
I was in a Dollar Tree the other day and the cashier was eating pickle while she was ringing me up. Yeah, really - and she had a Red Bull open next to the register, but that's a story for another day. Anyway, there's gonna be a shortage of them going forward because of - guess what? - climate change. Imagine that! Read about this here.

Make her happy for Mother's Day.
Buy her this bracelet.
You still have time to get it for her...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!

And then there's this. It's basically the same joke, 
just two dramatically different delivery styles.


Of course it's a real story. If ever there was a guy who'd mimic that old 'It's good 
to be king' thing, it's this meatball. Find the crazy details in this article.





  1. It's a sad commentary about the state of America that 'History of the World', in fact most of Mel's movies would not be made today
    Mark in PA

  2. Mt. Olive is in North Carolina. That is where the cucumbers are grown for their pickles. That area is similar to the Vidalia onion area. A shortage in Mexico has nothing to do with production in the US.

  3. The Book of Ruth was written by a woman.

    Let's be honest, for most of human history everyone was illiterate. For most of the time of written history, women were illiterate. Women were pretty likely to die in child birth combined with running the home usually didn't require literacy, so for the during the time that the Bible was written, women were mostly illiterate.

    The point of the Bible not being written by a woman at all was probably brought up by someone who is frothing at the mouth anti-Christian. I generally don't consider their opinion on how Christians believe or how Christians are supposed to act. I give them the same credence as I give over the top feminist about how men think or how men should behave.

    The US Constitution was written 100% by men; I'm not going to piss on it just because some whining female didn't get to add her 2 cents. The Declaration of Independence was 100% written by men; I'm not going to go back to being a citizen of Britain over it. The Emancipation Proclamation was written 100% by men; I'm not going to become a slave just to thumb my nose at it.

  4. We don't know who wrote most of the Bible. The assumption that all the Bible scholars in ancient Israel were men is unsupportable, because the only one of them who's named was a woman and the idea of not teaching daughters appears during the captivity in Babylon. The books of Ruth and Esther sound as if they were at least dictated by those women, though that may have been a flight of "prophetic" fancy. We do know that the books of Moses as they came down to us were certified by a woman, and at least their concluding section was written by someone other than Moses.

    Some things in the Bible do reflect a culture that valued women lower than men, but they clearly show that teachers inspired by God affirmed women's value against the degrading influences of that local culture.


There's a racist joke in there somewhere, but I'm not going there...

Something about big bangs and sleepy black holes...