Sunday, May 26, 2024

Could it be that you're just a complete cunt, Hillary? Asking for a friend...

The former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and foundation scammer 
claimed she lost female voters after an investigation was launched into her private email server, according to a Friday report by the New York Times. Clinton’s comments were adapted from an interview she gave in February for the forthcoming book “The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America.” 
I don't blame you Bill. Who would want to?
Let's all run right out and reserve a copy for ourselves, huh? Jeez - she is just another one of those people who will never admit that something was their own fault. She comes off like a mean old shrew every time she opens her mouth - could that have been the reason she lost? 
The Post has a more complete and almost unreadable article about this complete bitch here.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely because she's a complete cunt. Definitely. And only a complete cunt like Hilary could fail to see it. SHe's always been one, since way back before Arkansas and Whitewater. She was one at Wellesley College. Onje might even think that Wellesley made her a complete cunt.
    My Great-Aunt went to Wellesley back around the 1920's, and my Grandfather always claimed it ruined her for having a happy normal life. I didn't know her until she had terminal cancer in the 1960's, and she had really mellowed. I recommend the same thing for Hillary.
