Friday, May 31, 2024

Twisted Hillbillies has another beauty for you. Thank you Sir William..

The last in a long line of beautiful women is dear to my heart...

She's easy on the eyes and easy to cheat on, 
but try naming her without google...

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift, and you 
don't need a reason to buy them for her...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 for the pair and that price includes free shipping!

Friday night Hitler insignifica...

It's a true story. Some say he even took estrogen himself 
and had 'homosexual tendencies'. It makes for some 
fascinating reading. Find the story here:

A different kind of war hero...

Say hello to Smoky. A one-of-a-kind true hero...
Smoky was found in a foxhole in New Guinea in Feb 1944. The American thought she must have been a Japanese soldier's dog, but when he took her to a POW camp, they found out she didn't understand commands in Japanese of English. The soldier sold Smoky to Cpl. William Wynne of Cleveland OH for 2 dollars Australian.
Over the next two years Wynne carried Smoky in his backpack, fought in the jungles of Rock Island and New Guinea, flew 12 air/sea rescue, She survived 150 air raids on New Guinea and made it through a typhoon at Okinawa, made a combat jump in Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, in a parachute made for her. She would warn G.I's of incoming artillery and was dubbed the "angel from a foxhole."
Early in retaking the Philippines combat engineers were setting up a telegraph line to an airfield. The joints collapsed filling them in with sand. Cpl. Wynne knew that Smoky could climb through the pipe with a new line and that is what she did. Smoky's work saved approximately 250 ground crewmen from having to move around and keep operational 40 fighters and reconnaissance planes, while a construction detail dug up the taxiway, placing the men and the planes in danger from enemy bombings. What would have been a dangerous three-day digging task to place the wire was instead completed in minutes.
In her down time she preformed tricks with the Special Services to improve the moral of the troops and visited hospitals in Australia and Korea. Visiting with the sick and wounded, she became the first recorded "therapy dog".

After the war she became a sensation back int the states, had a live TV show, and often visited Veterans hospitals. Smoky's work as a therapy dog continued for 12 years. Wynne had Smokey 14 years before she passed away. He buried her in a 30 caliber ammo box in Rocky River Reservation, Ohio.
Smoky, the smallest war hero - weighing in at 4 lbs even and standing 7 inches tall. Thanks to William Wynne for his story.

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift.
And you don't need a reason to buy it for her..
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping. There's only one left!

I keep finding these treasures in the Playboy archives...

As much as I hate this band, I gotta say it's legit. At least today it is...

Calvin the art philosopher...

Why aren't more newspapers like the New York Post?

 Aside from the fact that it might be a lot of fun 
to work there, they sure don't mince words...  


Giving new meaning to the phrase 'Trumped Up'...

Bobby's lost any credibility he mighta had - and other nonsense...

 Did you think I'd lead with that joke of a conviction yesterday? 
What a waste of time...  
Politicians and Prosecutors are using the Judicial system to undermine our political process, and people want to know what kind of tooth paste DJT will bring to the slammer. When it was announced yesterday that the verdict had been reached, I tuned in to MSNBC thinking it would be good to see how 'the other side' reacts to the news I knew was coming - I never had any doubt he would be convicted. Anyway, they were so excited and happy on hearing his verdicts it was too much to bear. I started drinking and didn't stop until I ran out of beer. That was some time around midnight.

And they said there's no such thing as 'the perfect job'.

“This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. The real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people, and they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here,” Trump said outside the courtroom.


Ya think somehow he sees how fuckin' stupid he looks and sounds like when he does these rants? Probably not, but thankfully, he's being held to account for his jerkoffishness. The Post reported this morning that a broadcasters trade association is pulling a philanthropy award it had planned to give to Robert De Niro after the actor bashed former President Donald Trump on behalf of the Biden campaign earlier this week.
The National Association of Broadcasters has revoked its award and invitation to the Celebration of Service to America awards event to De Niro because the group thought his recent work and comments on behalf of the president’s re-election campaign would “create a distraction.”



Three Jersey Shore beaches are under swimming advisories due to high levels of fecal bacteria found in water samples. The three beaches had high levels of enterococci bacteria, a pathogen common in the feces and intestines of animals.
They're closing the beaches because fish shit in the water...


Here's a nice idea for a simple gift.
And you don't need a reason to buy it for her..
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping. There's only one left!




It'll be interesting to see how the numbers shift in the 
next couple of days, if they do at all...



My next project...

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Twisted Hillbillies has another beauty for you. Their generosity is limitless...

Now you know I'm a sucker for that pose...

Check our mutual friend if you're on Facebook...

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift, and you 
don't need a reason to buy them for her...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 for the pair and that price includes free shipping!

The effects of Bidenomics in simple terms...


Here's a nice idea for a simple gift.
And you don't need a reason to buy it for her..
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping. There's only one left!

The countdown continues. Just one more left after this one. Who is she?

My only comment on the verdicts is this...


Not good


Here's another gift from the Playboy archives...

They were shooting pepper balls, not bullets...

Of course the headline is deceptive in a very real sense, but that's the way 
news outlets like Newsweek like to portray shit. The agents only shot at these fence-clikmbing scumbags after they started hurling rocks and bottles at them. And they were shooting pepper balls - non-lethal deterent shot - not bullets, but they paint the story the way they want to.
Want to see the real story and see these scumbags hurling shit at the agents? The real story is here:

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift, and you 
don't need a reason to buy them for her...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 for the pair and that price includes free shipping!

The dog got Hobbes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When our hearts are pure and generous, we do wonderful things...

A former Louisiana news anchor helped raise more than $220,000 for a 90-year-old veteran who she saw on Memorial Day pushing shopping carts at a local supermarket in blistering heat just to make ends meet.
Journalist Karen Swensen couldn’t believe it when she saw Dillon McCormick working under the hot sun in 90-degree temperatures at a Winn Dixie location in New Orleans – and quickly struck up a conversation with him where he explained he needs the labor intensive job to survive. The US Air Force veteran even walks more than a mile to work because he doesn’t drive. Want to feel better today? Read this article...

A team from the USA we can all get behind and support? Don't count me in just yet...

This is how fucked up shit on the internet is. 
This is the US Women's Volleyball team...  
The ladies you see here were misidentified on X as the US Women's Olympic Swim Team, This photo was photoshopped to add the insert of the poser who thinks he's a woman adjusting his/her swim cap. Here is the post as I saw it originally:
This was created to send a distorted message. Okay, I see that, but what's the point of making an attribution like this that's so patently false? It's simple really. Once you accept the fact that most people are sheep and will believe everything that's fed to them, then you can get away with bullshit like this, but again, I have to ask - what's the point of someone doing this? 
It's just bullshit looking for a willing target. Kinda like a blog, I guess. Not this blog, of course...



It's 1958, and the average stewardess is a textbook 'spinner'. Juss' sayin'...

Well, we all kinda know that is fullashit anyway, but this one takes the cake. Rather than commenting on what he said - and the fact that it was patently false (another time I gotta use that phrase?) they side-step the shit and just say 'Yeah - he said it' Yup, sure did'. Jeez. No wonder we can't believe anything anymore anywhere...



A fact that's almost impossible to prove or disprove, so what's the point 
of making it in the first place? Just for the sake of the fancy graphics? 
They don't even make sense in the context of the statement.


Jeez Louise - even NPR is admiting (in a very left-handed way, of course) that Joe 
is in deep shit with what should be his largest deaf, dumb and blind constituency. 
Check this shit out - this article nails it. NPR. Go figure...


Here's a nice idea for a simple gift.
And you don't need a reason to buy it for her..
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping. There's only one left!

And they had to wait 30 years to find that out. I wonder if the study was constant or just a do it and then do it again thing. I'd hate to think somebody paid paid for 30 years just sitting around with his or her thumb up their ass waiting for the time lag to complete. I really do gotta figure out a way to get in to this whole 'study' business...


Good God - this was 54 years ago? Fuck.

The young lady dancer in this picture - taken a little over 
hundred years ago - she's my Father's Mother, my Maternal Grandmother Camille. She was just 17 here in the pic and was a professional vaudeville ballroom dancer. I can't imagine a time in my life that that would be an act worth watching, but they sure were different times back then, weren't they? And no, that is not my Grandfather she's dancing with.


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...