Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ya gotta be nuts to live there, right?


KSNV TV in Vegas is stating that a new report is out highlighting the best and worst states for mental health. The report has Nevada at the very bottom - and New Jersey at the top of the list? 
What could the criteria for these kind of ranking possibly be if New Jersey is ranked the state with the fewest mental health issues? I'm from friggin' Jersey, and there's no fuckin' way  the majority of people there aren't batshit in one way or another. 
Fuck - ya gotta be crazy just to live there by choice.
 According to a team of analysts with the online prescription service Universal Drugstore, Nevada came out as the worst state in the United States for mental health based on several factors.
The analyst looked at factors like total number of adults with mental illness, access to treatment, the number of psychologists available, and more, and gave each state a score of zero through ten.




Take a couple of idiots, give them robes and a 
high bench and this is what you get...
A group of older Swiss women have won the first ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights. Ever here of that one? These people have a lot of free time on their hands... 
The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change. The court said Switzerland's efforts to meet its emission reduction targets had been woefully inadequate. It is the first time the powerful court has ruled on global warming (yes - they reverted back to that term).
The ruling is binding and can trickle down to influence the law in 46 countries in Europe including the UK. The Swiss women, called KlimaSeniorinnen or Senior Women for Climate Protection, argued that they cannot leave their homes and suffer health attacks during heatwaves in Switzerland. 
Ya know what a heatwave in the Alps is? It might get all the way up to 75 degrees. Holy shit - I'm melting...




The Illinois village of Dolton has voted in favor of a resolution to hire ex-Chicago Mayor Beetlejuice Lightfoot to investigate its own leader, Tiffany Henyard, who is accused of misusing taxpayer funds and various other corrupt practices.
Beetlejuice, who lost her reelection bid in a landslide last year, said she was “honored” to be tasked with the investigation of Henyard - Dolton’s self-proclaimed “Super Mayor.”
“As someone who has made good governance the cornerstone of my career in public service, I recognize that maintaining the trust of those you serve and making decisions in their best interests is essential,” Lightfoot said in a statement on Monday evening. 
I'm telling ya - if ya wrote this shit in to a novel, the book wouldn't sell...


A 22-YEAR-OLD bizarrely claimed that God directed her to commit violence on the day of the solar eclipse before she allegedly shot two drivers on a Florida interstate. Taylon Nichelle Celestine was arrested on Monday, hours after she reportedly told hotel workers that God instructed her to go on a shooting spree during the solar eclipse.


Is your wife or daughter a cat lover? 
If so, she'd probably love to have these...
Click on the picture above for information on these earringst.  They're only $  18.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Yeah, I know - but I really like it...



  1. I have to call Bullshit on the best and worst states for mental health. I has New Jersey as #1 and Illinois as #2. Then it has mAssachusetts, Michigan, and Minnesota (little Somalia) in the top 10? Somebody was on fentanyl laced weed when doing this survey.

    1. I don’t know why the F.B.I.isnt investigating this case. I’ve been following this and it truly is unbelievable! Lightfoot has no kind indictment or arrest powers,when she’s done getting her piece of the pie out of the City of Dolton,she’ll merely only be able to suggest what should be done. Years ago Dolton was a hard scrabble working class town,now it’s Black Dem sh#t hole. I didn’t know that there was that much money to be stolen there

  2. And they smoked that weed in Rockford, Illinois and a 22 yr old maniac went on a stabbing spree & stabbing 11 innocent people, killing 4 😢 people are fuking crazy everywhere!!

  3. Spitballing here...those Best Mental Health States might have to do with how much they funnel taxpayer monies into their "needed" gov't "mental health care" programs, not how much better it is for the mental health of its residents. My garage county permit included "fees" for County Mental Health "Services". Gee, thanks grifters and bums.

    "Taylon Nichelle Celestine"...The Mrs. is a veterinarian and horsewoman, names matter in the animal world (so does the adage "you can tell the owner by the animal", but that's another discussion). You don't name your horse "widowmaker", and with a name like this Neanderthal piece of human debris you'd expect unhinged behavior. Points for name creativity tho, like they pick from a mix-n-match chart of partial names...or something.

  4. that's interesting...all the commiecrats shiteholes are best places to live?????
