Tuesday, April 9, 2024

I'd rather be dead than give that bitch another dime...

Well, ya gotta give him credit for trying, at the very least. 
He gets a couple of points for creativity, too.
News reports say that a man in southern Kentucky has admitted in court to faking his own death to avoid paying more than $100,000 in outstanding child support to his ex-wife.
Jesse Kipf, 39, pleaded guilty on 29 March in federal court to computer fraud and identity theft after he accessed Hawaii’s death registry system and posed as a doctor from another state in order to create a fake death certificate for himself.
According to a plea agreement filed in court, Kipf filled out a Hawaii death certificate worksheet in early 2023, essentially assigned himself as the medical certifier for the case and certified his own death.


  1. Alimony yes, child support no.
    Bad enough I have to give that bitch half my Navy retired pay...

  2. do they spend child support on the kids? no i think not, not that i have ever seen. they spend it on themselves. new cars and i phones.
