Thursday, April 25, 2024

The leader of the free world is a truck drivin' labor negotiating flub machine...

When the 'most powerful man in the world' consistently blurs the lines between fantasy and reality, we are fuckin' doomed. This guy can't tell reality from fantasy anymore, and 80,000,000+ people will still vote for him.. It's frightening on any level.
At 81, the oldest president in American history, Biden has remained a gaffe machine throughout his presidency, often re-telling lies about his biography that have been repeatedly debunked, even by mainstream outlets. At Hillsborough Community College in Tampa Bay on Tuesday, Biden claimed to have driven a big rig. 'I used to drive an 18-wheeler,' he said, as he attempted to discuss how he'd negotiated pensions for labor unions. Never happened. Any of it. Put this fuckin' guy out to pasture, please...


  1. So I used to Captain an aircraft carrier and a seaplane tender. In fact several. Well, actually I was on them for a while. That counts doesnt? How about when I flew 747's? Actually I DID really drive an 18 wheeler a quite few times as one of my good friends was an independent trucker and I would go on trips with him at times and I was legal to drive...and did. But of course if Joe claimed he could fart two full verses of "Dixie" the media would swear to it.

  2. It isn’t that he’s old. It isn’t that he’s senile. It’s that he’s a seriously stupid waste of O2 and has been since the moment of his birth.


Another HillBetty delight from Twisted Hillbiily...

Her name is Jessica Barton...