Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Sad to here about Kanye West this morning...

Not having heard a single thing the guy has ever done, I still find him (and anyone like him actually) just genuinely fuckin' annoying. Seriously - how disturbed is this guy - and that new chick he's hanging out with, jeez. She got humongous cans, alright, but I get the impression her IQ pretty much only equals her bra size. Juss' sayin'...
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You know pretty much the only things I pimp for here are my buddy Joe's BBQ sauces and Barbara's jewelry, but I need to stick this in here once a year or so. There are only three charities I donate to on a regular basis, and this is one of them - I'll let you know about the other two at another time. 
If you can spare a coupla bucks a month, that'd be great. This is a great charity and they do really good work for our injured vets. Click on that screen cap (the logo) for more info on how you can help.
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 British war workers take a seaside break on a beach in Cornwall, 6th September 1943
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You might forgive me for asking, Joe, but how do you protect women's 
sports AND want trannies to compete against them at the same time? 
That's just a little counter-intuitive, isn't it?
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We protested the 'Nam war because they wanted us to 
fight it. WTF are these jerkoffs protesting for?
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I have a friend who's an American living in Edmonton, Alberta. Aside from it getting down to -40 in the winter, she says it really kinda sucks living there...
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Florida population is growing at a rate of 950 domestic migrants a day, so what is a domestic migrant?  Domestic migrants are defined by the tax records of citizens in other states moving to Florida, according to U.S. Census data, Florida has the highest level of net domestic migration.  So where are most of these people coming from?  
Northern states such as New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts based on tax return filings are the most migrants followed by other Northeastern and Mid-Western States.
So why Florida?  Other than the most obvious reason - the weather - Florida residents pay no state income or estate tax and get homestead exemptions of up to $50,000 in assessed value on primary residences, as well as a 3% cap per year on home assessments. We let the snowbirds pick up the majority of the tax burden. 
Also, new Florida residents tell us that they were able to get more space and better-quality homes in their price ranges compared to the states they fled from.
With 950 new domestic migrants moving to Florida daily that equals a new city bigger than Orlando being added to the state every year, but not to worry we have room for many more in the Everglades.  Come join us, what are you waiting for?
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Buy her this  for Mother's Day.
It's only three weeks from now...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 28.00 and that includes free shipping!

 How most political decisions are made anymore...
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Guys like him donate billions of dollars to these uber-lib schools. They better get their shit together bookoo fuckin' quick or their endowments' will be bleeding out all pores.
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You don't have to be a member to take the survey. It's a two-minute thing. 
Do the syrvey. Help protect our second amendment rights.
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  1. Has the WW Project stopped giving themselves $150K self congratulatory dinners yet? I was a regular donor but after that, NADA.

  2. Wounded Warrior administration all have salaries. Disabled American Veterans (DAV) admin all donate their time and efforts.

  3. I will only observe that there is another state -which I will not name, do your own research- with the same deal on taxes, a better deal on property taxes, and a much more temperate climate (Florida's is great 5 months of the year, just like most places), and a generally conservative government at state and local levels. Governors tend toward being squishes, but the legislature is pretty reliable. Couple of cities to avoid, of course, with majority minority populations and huge crime, but otherwise pretty much anywhere else is good. So far we don't have ghettos for old people -well, not big ones- so you gotta live in the real world, not a sandy made over swamp with golf carts. No crazy mice. Tourists pretty much stay in a couple places the rest of us avoid, easily identified by the store that big-ass beaver built. And we do have a couple pretty good lookin' maybe-blond ladies who sing pretty well, at least according to their respective fans, so there's that.

  4. Many years ago, when it was revealed that only 7 or 8 cents of every dollar donated to the Wounded Warrior Project actually went to the veterans, I ceased any and all donations to them. The "Semper Fi Fund" is where my money goes.

  5. In 2016, the Erskine fire burned a large swath of Lake Isabella in California. More people were displaced and lost property than some of the other fires in the same time period. The other fires were declared national emergencies by the Obama Administration in order to receive federal funds. Since Lake Isabella area mainly voted for Kevin McCarthy as their congressman, the Obama Administration refused to declare it a national emergency and they denied the people federal funds.

    With action like that, tell me again why we should want socialized medicine where some federal bureaucrat gets to decide who receives life saving medicine and who gets sent home to die.

  6. Regarding the NRA poll, since they've done nothing but actually fight against gun rights, then they can jump in a lake wearing cement shoes.

  7. Sorry, will NEVER support an organization that won't own up to the crimes of our own government or won't oppose foreign wars of aggression.


'Tis herself...