Monday, April 8, 2024

It ain't the sun that'll blind ya, Skippy...

It appears that thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people 
across the country didn't heed warnings and tried to follow the moon 
as it transversed the sun this afternoon. Braille will now be taught 
in all elementary schools across the nation.

Someone you know has a birthday
or anniversary coming up.
She's probably love to have these.
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. The sun throws off so much uv radiation that when the glare of full sun is blocked and you can stand to look at the eclipse, enough radiation gets through to burn out your eyes.

  2. Blinded by the evlise or not I can still spell eyewear.

  3. ...And the Triffids were waiting...


Good Morning...