Monday, April 8, 2024

Did the eclipse make you sick? Me - I'm just sick of hearing the hype...

Americans reported bizarre physical and mental alignments leading up to and during Monday's solar eclipse. Called 'eclipse sickness,' the symptoms have included headaches, fatigue, changes in menstrual cycles and insomnia.
While NASA has said there is no evidence linking human health and the solar eclipse, studies have found that the celestial event can impact animals - specifically dogs that may appear anxious.  They should ask Dr. Phil...
This report tells the rest of this story...


  1. Well, duh. People are not used to leaning their heads back for extended periods as they did while watching the eclipse. Of course they feel dizzy.

  2. Is there anything that doesn't upset the Perpetually Upset Generation in one way or another?

  3. Somebody tell me how a 2 hour eclipse YESTERDAY can change your menstrual cycle, which is usually 28-30 days long?
    What a crock.


Good Morning...