Monday, April 22, 2024

Another wokester bites the dust...

The daughter of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar - kicked out of her college 
dorm at prestigious $90,000-per-year Barnard last week following her arrest for protesting against Israel - has previously boasted of her pride in being “hyper-woke”.
During a Ted Talk in February 2020, Isra Hirsi, 21, told the audience she had become known as “token activist, the politically correct (PC) police, and the angry black girl” for “always” speaking up against “something offensive or problematic”. 
In your wildest imagination you couldn't conjure how smug this little piece of shit must be in real  life - having the mother she has - especially...
Honest to god I can't add anything to what this headline banner says, but there is a story behind it - you'll find it here.

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1 comment:

  1. Besides criticism just what is the POS gonna contribute to society?


How can we believe anything these people say?

There's another, even better example from 2010 with old friend Nancy stating unequivocally that waste, fraud and abuse in Social Securit...