Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another upbeat, encouraging message for young wannabe Demorat voters...

First and foremost, let's get something straight. He is a DEMOCRAT strategist, not 'democratic'. That's wrong use of the word - it's an adjective, non a pronoun. Here's what that word really means:
Carville didn't mince words. In an interview on MSDNC, the guy talking to him said "‘James, young voters are just not into this. It’s two candidates, one’s in their 80s, one is almost in their 80s, they’re concerned about things that Washington politicians, and you just can’t blame them for— and Carville jumped on his shit, saying "Oh, shit. Fuck you!" Carville yelled. Nice guy. The video of the interview is here on Fox. What an asshole.

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  1. He's a has-been that hasn't been relevant since Clinton.

  2. Kids won't have any rights left when Trump wins?
    Has Trump announced that he is running as a DEMOCRAT?

  3. Snakehead Carville rises out of the Deep State Louisiana Swamp about this time every election year to share his lunatic leftist rants.

  4. I had the opportunity to harass the Swamp Ghoul after a Bucs Saints game, needless to say he wasnt to happy with us. To be honest it was glorious and felt good.

  5. He was funny once, and then he became famous and gave up trying to be funny. However, Ds say "Democrat" with a capital D is the noun and Democratic with a capital D is the adjective--both as proper names of the party, as distinct from the words "democrat" and "democratic." Although using "Democrat" as an adjective is a very charitable way to describe them, it's a signal that the person speaking does not belong to their party. Horrors!

  6. James Carville is a Democrat big wheel, BUT, his wife, Mary Joe Matalin, is a Republican big wheel as well! So you see? Each plays for a different "side" for hours of fun and laughter, of course at our expense. Between the two, it's like deciding which end of the turd is the cleanest...


Virgil Sollozzo learned the hard way - don't mess with the Don...

According to reports this morning, The US and Colombia pulled back from the brink of a trade war on Sunday after the White House said the Co...