Thursday, March 21, 2024

You do realize YOU are paying for all the shit Biden is 'forgiving', don'tcha?

According to this report, Joe Biden announced even more student loan forgiveness on Thursday that will see 78,000 public service workers have their education debt wiped clean. 

The new student loan relief applies to teachers, nurses and firefighters who, due to previous failures with the system, did not receive the forgiveness they were promised for going into public service. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program was created in 2007 and aimed to forgive student debt for Americans who entered public service but never received their relief.
I wonder if I could get him to 'forgive' the rest of my mortgage...

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reason - to get her something nice. Just do it...

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  1. it is the only way he can get people to come to his side of things. at this point with 33-34 trillion in debit, you really think the dollar is going to last much longer ? I keep enough in the bank to pay bills. anything left over goes into hard goods I can use for barter if need be.

  2. After SCOTUS told him he doesn't have the authority to do that, we truly live in a post constitutional world. And they kept saying the scary orange man was going to be the dictator.

    1. Joe knows he can't be impeached and removed from office and all the Just-Us system can do to him is try to make him pay it back, and he doesn't have that much money.

  3. Defying a Supreme Court decision and not a peep from the republicans in the Senate or House.
    It's all of them against citizens.

  4. For every "forgiven" dollar, the respective schools should give that equivalent money back to the government. Loan forgiveness would end yesterday.

  5. If they can afford spring break they can pay back their loans


Playboy cartoons on Sunday? Why not...