Friday, March 29, 2024

Honor these veterans every day, not just today...

In 2008, the Secretary of Defense was authorized by law to conduct a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War.
On National Vietnam War Veterans Day, we should all honor and thank those who served in Vietnam and who sacrificed, as did their families and caregivers. 
Since the birth of the United States, no single generation of Americans has been spared the responsibility of defending freedom by force of arms. More than 44 million American men and women have sacrificed and served in times of war. 
The war in VietNam was different than most. It was a war we should not have been involved in. No one wanted it - it was a mistake to have gone in in the first place, and as a result, 41,000 of our guys died needlessly.
I served in the Army during the war but never went oversees, so I cannot and will not call myself a 'Vietnam Vet'. That would be an insult to all of those who did serve time 'in country'. Juss' sayin'...



Another on bites the dust. I have no idea why I get as much of a thrill seeing guys like this crash and burn when they do, but I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it. The abuses of power with guys like this are fascinating to see when they finally do get exposed...


This cartoon is from The Staurday Evening Post, drawn by 
Jeff Keate for the October 7, 1944 issue.

Even more junk science and bullshit. Every day these climate alarmists come up with another 'pulled from their ass' theory about clamte this and climate that. The arrogance of these people to tell us that we can somehow effect how the earth does what it does is mind-numbing. We've been here for - in some form or another - for roughly 300,000 years, and that number is seriously debatable. Some scientist say it's as little as only 20,00 years. Earth itself is estimated to be about 3,500,000,000 years old. The earth is gonna do whatever the fuck it wants to. This is the article today's bullshit comes from..


Someone you know has a birthday
or anniversary coming up.
She'd probably love to have this...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $ 48.00 and that includes free shipping!

Ya know, when it comes to pizza, everybody has an opinion. To me, a thin crust pie isn't a pizza - it's a flat bread at best. This is the pie I made last night for dinner. Very thick crust sicilian-style pie.
 I'm confident my friend Tony in Chicago will agree with me that this is the best example of what a pie should look like, and it sure as fuck tasted great. Juss' sayin'...



The guy - or gal - who won the 1.2B Megamillions the other day bought the ticket in the same fuckin' store I usta get my tickets (and beer) in - the Shopright on Rte. 66 in Neptune. Fuck.

Everything old is new again.

Tommy is back on Broadway at the Neaderlander Theater, 
I guess because there's nothing new to present. They'll still 
make millions rehashing this shit because people are sheep 
and will tolerate almost anything. Jeez...


  1. "She [Yoko Nakamura, Researcher wanted to know if the prenatal stress of living through a hurricane – of experiencing something so uniquely catastrophic – acted differentially on the children these mothers were carrying, relative to those children who were born before or conceived after the storm.

    More than a decade later, she has her answer. The conclusions reveal a startling disparity: children who were in utero during Sandy bear an inordinately high risk of psychiatric conditions today. "

    Well, if her theory is correct, WWII explains a lot about how fucked Japan is today.....

  2. SST"….here
    Chiming in on the pizza dilemma.When I make a homemade pie it resemble yours to a tee.But when I order one out my go to pie is a square cut thin cracker crust pizza. We refer to that style as a tavern pizza. And I’ll give you two of them if you ever venture into this area. Villa Nova in Stickney (West side Chi suburb)and Roseangela’s in Evergreen Park (SW chi suburb).you would change your mind in a hurry if you ever had the pleasure of trying one

  3. pair of my buddies were in a crowded elevator when one turns to the other and asks "Did you get that anal leakage under control" The elevator cleared out at the next floor.

  4. I liked the original "Tommy", but that version is so stanky it makes me want to burn all my albums and CDs and send their ashes to live in the Sun.

  5. Shame on you! You grew up in Jersey and I am sure that they had no so-called "deep dish" pizza there. It was thin crust "New York" style that it the best and only pizza ever. That "Chicago" thick crust crapola is crapola.

  6. I love all kinds of pizza. Your's looks like it would fit into a top 5 category. I'm 73, from San Diego. Do you have any idea how many east of the Mississippi pizza builders end up in So. Cal.? I'll guess 47,853ish, I've tried most of them, so, MAYBE, there''s 4 in front of you, I don't know, but yours looks absolutely mouth watering.

  7. Another one for the ToDo List. As a retirement job I dove a school bus for 3 years. I had a Hershey Chocolate Syrup bottle that I used as a water bottle. This won over the elementary run and they would listen and do what I told them. High schoolers did not cause any problems. Middle school kids are in league with the devil.

    My favorite pizza is New York style pizza that you fold to eat. My year of working in Nutley turned me into a Pizza Snob. A beer and a slice was lunch Monday and Thursday.

  8. Next time you're in Tampa try the "Scachatta" available at various places. IMHO the two best are Housewife Bake Shop and Alessi Bakery -


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...