Sunday, February 25, 2024

Why would we ever expect them to work with us on this immigrant shit?

These motherfuckers don't even want their own people back. News sources are reporting that Maduro has ordered a stop to all flights coming from the States with deported native Venezualans. Maybe it's time we shut that country down economically. Wuddya think?


  1. No flights?
    No problem.
    They 'walked' all the way, they can handle it.
    And if they did not 'walk' all the way, Soros can put them on a bus and bring them to where he picked them up.

  2. As I recall DJT had this exact same problem with a number of shithole countries so what did he do? Told every country who was getting USA money for free their supply now cut back to zero dollars. None. Result? Shithole sent word they would be most happy to take their shit back! FJB of course won't do that because the real leader of the USA at the moment Obama would never do that.

  3. Send them to Ukraine, they need bodies and then it's a European problem. They claim that the immigrants are a boost to the economy and Ukraine could use the bodies on infrastructure (wink-wink) projects and rebuilding the areas Russia has destroyed.

  4. Of course they don't want them back. They emptied their prisons and sent them packing to the US. Why would they want any of those people back?

  5. nuke it and make a parking lot out of it for the chinese that come next...

  6. The planes don't necessarily have to land......just sayin'

  7. Artillery till the rubble bounces.

  8. I really wish the MSM would stop calling the migrants or immigrants, they are ILLEGALS.

  9. Drop the migrants offshore of Venezuela within sight of the coastline with lifejackets or rubber boats. They can swim or paddle the rest of the way. Make the US Navy do something useful for the country. If the Venezuelan navy tries to interfere, sink 'em.

  10. If you shut down Venezuela's economy down, how would you notice? The place is already a complete socialist hell-hole. I know, I know, the ignorant leftists are already shouting in union, "It's not *real* socialism."

    Once upon a time, Venezuela had a great economy and trained work force. What is needed is not sending all of the Venezuelans packing, but put in strong filters. Accept the educated, hardworking, anti-socialist ones and send the parasites back. Make sure they learn English, get a strong understanding of the US Constitution and what it means to be a Republic. Of course, if you do all of that, Soros and the Democrats will shut down immigration from Venezuela.

  11. They entered the USA illegally from Mexico so just dump them back across the border to Mexico. Makes it simple for us - we don't. have to figure out who they are or where they were born - they came here from Mexico so they go back to Mexico.
    It wouldn't take long for Mexico to get the message and stop letting the world use Mexico as a staging ground to invade the US.


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