Thursday, February 15, 2024

She has a Ph. D. in bullshit detection? I knew I liked this crazy dame...

Responding to an expert’s statement that “about 3.2 million” American lives have been saved by vaccines against Covid, with “over 14 million lives” saved globally, the far-right Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene said: “I’m not a doctor, but I have a PhD in recognising bullshit when I hear it.
Read the rest of this article here.

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  1. She has tripled her net worth since getting into office. She is a swamp creature.

  2. It is unfortunate the actual data was deliberately sabotaged with regards to cause of death during covid; reporting standards were changed and rewards given to doctors and hospitals for reporting death was caused by covid.

    In the 1980s, we didn't trust data and information coming from scientists at the Tobacco Institute when it came to smoking. For the same reason, we can't trust data and information coming out of the CDC and the FDA.

  3. So, covid vaccines saved over 14 million lives worldwide. That's nothing. I maintain the "Anti-Martian-Death-Ray Force Field" (patent pending) I built in my basement saved the entire world population from immolation last Tuesday. My claim is as valid as theirs.

  4. The mRNA vaxx has killed, and continues to kill, as well as disable, millions of people. Far more than it has saved. The data is clear, and listening to government doctors who are still parroting the outdated propaganda is a fool's errand.
