Saturday, February 3, 2024

Saturday mid-day insignifica...


Valentine's Day is coming up soon.
She'd probably love to have this...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 30.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. Worthless? No. That just ignorance. The NAZIs had the Kremlin completely compromised. The NAZIs learned about the Manhattan project through spying on the Soviets. The Soviets learned about it from leaks inside FDR's administration.

    W.E.B.B. Griffin has a 7 book historical fiction series on the subject of the OSS in Argentina. With the war winding down, they had to ask themselves if they wanted to fight the last war they already won or the next war that was just beginning.

    Note: Not every registered Democrat is cool with mutilating children's genitals even though the party is all in on it. And yes, I consider Democratic (sic) Party to be the fascists of our times.

  2. The U.S. also used thousands of engineers, technicians, and military experts. If we had not of nabbed them, the Soviets would have. I'm not defending anything, but I think we are far enough past WW2 to realize that every brilliant mind that came our of National Socialist Germany after working in a war related industry after 1945 was not a "nahtsee". No doubt, plenty of "deals" were made with some "baddies", but sometimes difficult choices have to me made regardless of circumstances. In the Old Testament of the Bible, rulers rushed to capture key military technology, materials, and even people once a country had been defeated time and time again. It is an age old-common sense practice.

  3. Apparently all the Nazi's now work at CNN. Or MSNBC. Or in the Biden Administration.
