Thursday, February 29, 2024

On days like today, you need more than just a leap of faith...

At some point, enough of us are going to say 'enough is enough'. And that is when the troubles really start...  
Was the man convicted under the 14th Amendment and I somehow missed it? Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter, a Democrat, paused her order until March 1, in order to give the former president time to appeal. 
Porter’s decision overruled the bipartisan Illinois State Board of Elections, which dismissed a challenge to Trump’s candidacy last month after determining that it didn’t have the authority to rule on whether the GOP front-runner’s role in the riot violated the Constitution. Click on Trump's pic for details.


I guess nothing is sacred anymore when there's money to be had...



Has anyone ever heard an explanation of what the 
'Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys' really means?

What're ya starin' at, Danielle?

These motherfuckers never quit, do they? Ya know how that'll 
work out, right? Harris said that students could receive the funds from the work-study federal program that pays a student’s wages while employed at a part-time job.
If you wanna hear what this snaggle-tooth fuck is talking about, click on the screen cap and it'll send you to TwitterLand...

Coupla weeks ago I had my annual checkup. The doctor said my blood pressure 
and everything else was fine, but that at my age I should think 
seriously about maybe putting a bar in the shower for stability. 
So I took her advice. So far so good...




You really don't need a reason to buy her
 something as special as this. 
But it is almost St. Patrick's Day.
Click on the picture for more information on this unique hand-made bracelet.
It's only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!

The item got 48 bids and was sold for $18,101 last 
Wednesday to a buyer who wished to remain anonymous.


If they tried, these over-educated jackwagons couldn't be 
more full of shit. Even if they worked really hard at it...
The chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer of Columbia University's medical school, Alade McKen, plagiarized extensively in his doctoral dissertation, lifting entire pages of material, without attribution, from sources that include Wikipedia.

Think about the fact that, in order to have a 'chief' diversity, equity, and inclusion officer, it means he's like the head of some kinda tactical squad or some shit. Meanwhile, Columbia's research integrity officer, Naomi Schrag, did not respond to a request for comment. Iowa State University (where he got his degree) did not respond to a request for comment either...



  1. Obviously, that's Jamie Leigh Curtis in the photo, but, for a second or two, I thought " When did David Bowie get boobs ?

  2. Based on the administration's ongoing diabolical actions, the shower bar is not a joke but a necessity.

  3. Thanks for a morning hit of EC

  4. Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter, a Democrat, presides over traffic court. She hears misdemeanor cases. The increasingly lawless behavior of judges and prosecuters needs to be criminalized.


How can we believe anything these people say?

There's another, even better example from 2010 with old friend Nancy stating unequivocally that waste, fraud and abuse in Social Securit...