Saturday, February 3, 2024

Liberal newshawks are just plain idiots. How else can you explain their reactions to the truth?

'Does the fact that they were police officers change anything?' pondered host Erica Hill as she probed ex-cop John Miller over the case and the suspect's backgrounds. 'What the detectives are telling me is that they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing then go to Florida to spend the money then come back,' Miller told her. 'And I'm like 'why don't they just stay and steal in Florida' and they said 'because there you go to jail'.' 'Oh!' replied the clearly surprised presenter as the panel lapsed into silence. 'Facsinating!' ventured co-host Phil Mattingly.
Read the article here. It's amazing how fuckin' naive and just plain stupid these CNN'ers can be...


  1. There is no problem here. New York VOTED for this and therefore should accept it.
    And of course, we all know that they'll vote for this again and again and again because they are unable to admit that they have been idiots. Oops, democrats.

  2. And the libtards will scream, "Racist!" because the management of NYC is a black man. God save our once-great nation!!!
