Monday, February 19, 2024

It's 'Russian Collusion' 2.0. Here we go again...

It'd be funny it wasn't so close to what the Libs can come up with when they play dirty. Read the story:

1 comment:

  1. There is no "conspiracy with Russia"; There is no "Russia that is not part of the global conspiracy". So it's more complicated.
    A unique perspective on Tucker's interview (backed up with all the necessary sources). I mean, there really is nowhere else to meet it, backed up by the necessary factual justification. In case you are interested in more details, scroll down and review the next comments of the same person. This, for example. And I argue that this is exactly the actual reason for the interview (review, open the links and review more if you wish).

    Explanatory context, concerning the above.


Take a shot this one, Auntie...