Friday, February 16, 2024

Beyonce's 'country' song? They ain't nuthin' country about this garbage...

 You be the judge. Who the fuck ever had the balls 
to call this fuckin' nonsense 'country'?
And don't sexualize her in any way. That's how 
she dresses around the house. Good god - no wonder 
kids these days are so fucked up...


  1. When CMT was purchased by the satanists at MTV, you knew country music was in danger. And how much "whiter" in appearance is Beyonce now that she is pandering to the country music crowd?

  2. The one eye patch thing is satanic symbolism. Look up Vigilant Citizen "one eye sign" for more info.

  3. Admit it Joe, you’d toss one into her if given the chance. Us paisans always had a soft spot for coloured broads. I listened to the song, t least she’s attempting. Southern accent, no?

    1. Not defending this ridiculous song but to be fair she is from Houston. A native born Texan.

  4. Sounds like most modern country to me

  5. And I'd say the 20 seconds of Beyonce's "song" i watched might qualify as "Crossover Country", which I hate as much as I hate the Steve Miller Band.

  6. compared to the DEI rap-crap I'm hearing on the car radio on my "country" station, this (almost) qualifies as country

  7. this song is total crap, like what is played on the radio now. i may be old, but i am a waylon and johnny paycheck kind of guy.

  8. Didn't anybody tell Beyonce that the seams of her nylons are supposed to be on the back of her legs?!?!?

  9. Ernest Tubb would not approve.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...