Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Another American icon has done bit the dust. Pop one in the toaster for ole' Bill...

News sources are reporting today that William “Bill” Post — the man who created the beloved toaster treat Pop-Tarts — died on Saturday, his family announced. He was 96.
Post, a Michigan native and son of immigrants who worked his way up from a truck washer to a senior vice president, brightened millions of Americans’ mornings with the sweet pastry that hit the shelves in 1964. The great-grandfather is often credited with inventing the breakfast treat, though he would always say it was a team effort, according to his obituary.


  1. So it is HIS fault that plenty of little kids are rotting in prison after biting their pop-tart in the shape of an assault gun while in school.
    That said, our schools are safe now.

  2. Bob Moore of Bob's Red Mill just died, too.
    Never was a fan of pop-tarts. The promise was a tart with a nice gooey filling. The reality as a crumbly slab with a schmeer a few molecules thick. But, good on him for his work.


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