Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A tuff guy has left the bar...



Don't kid yourself. This 'Immigration Bill' they 
keep talking about is anything but...

It's more like a 'war powers act' than it is about fixing our broken immigration and customs enforcement procedures. These motherfuckers in Washington can not do one thing without throwing a bunch of other shit into the mix. If it's a true 'immigration bill' why does it include funding for Ukraine, Isreal and Taiwan?
Were you aware that, if passed, the bill would strip the power of Texas and other states to challenge some of the its provisions in their local federal courts? Any and all challenges or changes to the law would have to be made in Washington and no where else... It's a friggin' power-grab by the Lib Senate...


Nikki Haley, the last remaining serious challenger to Donald Trump for the Republican nomination, has formally requested Secret Service protection.


Didja ever wonder how they catch and pack sardines? 


The Post has an interesting (actually annoying) story today about how carrying cash, identification and debit cards in a billfold has become akin to carrying around old butterscotch candies at the bottom of your purse. Teens and early 20-somethings have officially declared wallets atrociously antiquated — or, more modishly put, “cheugy.” “Millennials, apparently there’s a new way that we can age ourselves and it’s by having a wallet,” said Liz June, an expectant Miami mom in her 30s, on TikTok. “Gen Z uses their phone as their wallet,” she continued, “so they have all their [money and] their IDs in their [digital] wallets.”
You've seen these jerkoffs in gaqs stations and stores paying with their 'Apple Pay' or whatever the fuck app. These are the same dickheads who lose their phones at least once a year. Friggin' geniuses...

The lots are going for a little bit more than that these days, but they are in the absolute middle of fuckin' nowhere with no roads, no utilites, no nuthin'. Check out a couple of active listings here: 

I've been binge-watching this show for the last coupla days. It's brilliant. 
If you just sign up for Paramount inline - without costing you anything - you can stream it for free. There's a bunch of other shows there like Yellowstine you can catch up on. The link is here:

Feel free to borrow this.

Valentine's Day is coming up next week
but you still have time...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!
Find even more ideas by clicking this link:


You read that correctly. That's what they're charging for a Big Mac Meal in California now that they passed that new minimum wage law. Am I correct in thinking that the law has not yet gone in to effect? And if that's the case, what the fuck is up with jacking the prices so high before the fact? Juss' sayin'...

Because they're idiots, that's why.


  1. “Gen Z uses their phone as their wallet,” she continued, “so they have all their [money and] their IDs in their [digital] wallets.”

    Sounds like a good reason to carry around a powerful magnet. To wipe their devices' memory chips.There must be a good way to EMP them too.

  2. Tulsa King is a definite find, a diamond in the rough if you will

  3. And here I thought Toby Keith was on the mend I saw him on some award show several month ago,, though he was noticeably thinner he looked good and he even played a song and sounded good

  4. I gave my grandkids wallets/billfolds for xmas. They acted like they had automatically grown up. Of course each had a hundred bucks inside to get them started. They loved them. Also gave them coin banks to collect their change. They're careful how they spend it since it is their money being spent. Old school.


Does this Dame have a Name?

Too easy to google. Dammit...