Monday, January 29, 2024

There's nothing funny about this Florida man. Jeez...

He shot and wounded his own mother and daughter and he killed his mother's friend because they didn't like the idea that he wanted to date his own daughter. Yeah, you read that right. Wudda sick fuck - I can't imagine how much fun he's not gonna have in the slam.
Click on the headline if you wanna read the full report, but you get the jist already...


  1. He says if pedo joe can do it , he should be able to.

  2. They'll add a few more letters to the alphabet soup soon: FWTFHD


After all that woke nonsense, what did we gain?

Absolutely not a fuckin' thing, but we did manage  to  have a great woman erased from history by idiots...      The branding of the syru...