Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Siblings are dangerous, but they can be a whole lotta fun, too...

 My brother was nit a degenerate gambler, but 
hdid have a sense of humor, at the very least.  
 Remember these machines that usta be in all of the airports where you could buy last-minute life insurance before you got on a plane to somewhere? Well, my brother usta live pretty close to O'hare airport in Chicago for a good buncha years, and whenever I or damn near anyone else was gonna be flying, he'd make sure to find out all of their flight info and then stop off at the airport on his way to or from work and buy this shit. His logic? If he hadda go to your funeral, he might as well be flush when he did go. That, my friends,  is a truly twisted - yet brilliant - mind. Here's TJ and me pickin' ponies in a pub in Ireland a coupla years ago...

1 comment:

  1. I remember those flight insurance machines ( I'm old enough to remember when the North Terminal was THE terminal at Newark ! ) - and I wish that I had the foresight to buy a policy, just to keep aa souvenir ! I wonder when that machine was in operation, and at what airport?
