Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How fast can a CME travel? Evidently, pretty friggin' quick. Hey - WTF is a CME you ask?

A geomagnetic storm is expected to surge across the Earth's atmosphere later today as a plume of solar plasma hits our planet.
This chunk of the sun was spat out on Sunday as a magnetic filament erupted from the star's surface, with the coronal mass ejection (CME) set to collide with the Earth at around 1 p.m. ET, according to models by both NASA and NOAA.
The CME collision could lead to geomagnetic storms as intense as G2-class or even G3-class, which may trigger GPS issues, satellite problems, and auroras seen much further south than usual.




WTF business is it of theirs if me or anybody else votes? Why do these companies do shit like this? It's obviously some kinda fucked up data-mining ploy or another. It's so fuckin' useless and so are the people who plug in to shit like this.
And more to the point, if anyone you know actually responds to shit  like this on social media, get those fuckin' mental midgets out of your life as soon as possible. Juss' sayin'...




California is on the cusp of putting the fast-food industry into a 'curious economic experiment' – mandating a custom minimum wage for larger restaurant chains. Come April, fast food’s biggest players will be paying workers $20 hourly. Will jobs be cut? Restaurants closed? Automation expanded? Will prices skyrocket? A mix of these? Or none of the above? Already we’ve seen Pizza Hut franchisees say they’ll cut 2,000 drivers statewide due to the wage hikes.
Your Big Mac in ElSegundo will now cost $ 11.00. 
How's that workin' for ya?


The friend of three Kansas City Chiefs fans who allegedly froze to death in his backyard has said he was asleep and had no idea they were dead until cops showed up at his door. 


That's subtle. I like subtle...

This is the guy I'm named after - my Uncle Joe. 
He's in the backyard of our house in Newark, NJ and it's June, 1944. What he's looking up at is my other Uncle Bob who had been a pilot stationed at the Lakehurst, NJ Army Air Force base doing a 'fly over' of our house on a training mission. Pretty fuckin' cool, huh?


It's being reported that as many as 880 craft breweries, taprooms, cider makers and other flash-in-the-pan businesses like that closed in the US in 2023. There are two very good reasons why this is happening at such an accelerated pace: ONE: the products are grossly over-priced, and TWO: the vast majority of them taste like dog piss with grapefruit juice mixed in.


Valentine's Day is coming up soon, and
 showing her you love her is this easy...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. I did a job at Lakehurst, now a NAS, in 1984.....at the end of the pre-con, I asked where the Hindenburg crashed.....the guy running the meeting said "Doesn't anybody know anything else about this place?".....we all cracked up because.....none of us did.....

  2. Uncle Joe looks like he is on the phone.
