Sunday, January 21, 2024

It's a slam dunk for The Donald, and a very smart move for all of us...

I like this for a couple of reasons. First, let me say that I am, and have been for a long time, a supporter of my Governor, but he was swimming up-stream running against DJT in this race. 
Having withdrawn, he sets himself up for a VP slot behind the guy we all hope will win. If this does happen, and they do, in fact run as a team, It's my firm belief it's a slam-dunk for all of us, and puts us in a great position for 12 years of good, solid leadership in the White House, in spite of everything the major media jerkoffs might want. I say 'Well played, Ron'. You put up a great fight, and we'll see you both in November. 
I will now whole-heartedly and without compromse or fear of any pushback, absofuckin'lutely endorse Trump for a second term. Juss' sayin'...
Click on this banner for the full article...


  1. Agree completely Joe!

  2. Agree 100%. I think Ron would make* a great President, but he was never going to overcome Trump's momentum.

    *Hopefully, "will be" someday.

  3. I agree as well....however.....I think Trump may choose a female running mate....Stefanik?.....DeSantis is a good man who was wronged by the communist media in this governor in the country who was never recognized as such outside of Florida....

  4. Trump should consider Mark Robinson, NC LtGov.

  5. Vote harder! This is all a waste of mental energy. The established Deep State will blatantly steal this "election" just like last time.


The absolute magic in the second bridge - the second guitar solo for you people in El Segundo...

A very good argument can be made that this is the single best live recording  of any one song by any one group of musicians.  This was - goo...