Wednesday, January 31, 2024

I couldn't have said it better myself. And that's saying something...


And you thought you were having a bad day? - how about this broad? I looked and looked and couldn't find out anything more than she somehow managed to get herself in to the dumster and was still in it when the truck came to empty it. The woman herself wasn't identified in any of the stories I saw, but still - keep her plight as perspective anytime you think your day isn't going the way you want it. Click on any of the firefighters if you wanna read the original article.


Longtime Harvard donor Ken Griffin has vowed to withhold financial support for the university unless it undertakes significant changes to its policy regarding antisemitism as the hedge fund billionaire lamented the “whiny snowflakes” that were being produced by Ivy League schools.

I like that a lot...


Why is it okay for the government to do this?


I got this message in an email yesterday from some gobbledeegook fuckin' email address that made no sense. All I had to do was click on some bullshit link included and it'd explain the whole thing to me - whatever the fuck it was supposed to be. 
It's a toss-up trying to figure out who's worse - the dot-head who came up with this or the lame-brain jerkwad in a single-wide somewhere in South Bumfuck who actually clicks on the link. Juss' sayin'...


Florida joins Kansas in fully banning transgender residents from updating their gender markers on their driver's licenses. 

In Kansas, a temporary order is in place banning changes while an ongoing legal battle between the Kansas Department of Revenue and the Republican attorney general plays out to determine whether that policy will stick, the Associated Press reported.
Data compiled by the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), a non-profit think tank researching LGBTQ-related policies, shows that the following states:  
  • Georgia
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Oklahoma
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
require proof of surgery, a court order, or an amended birth certificate to permit changes to their gender on a driver's license. These are considered to have "negative laws", which are burdensome requirements that may prevent people from being able to make the change at all.
So, I guess if you paint your car, you can't change the registration to the new color. Is that how this shit works? Asking for a friend...


Valentine's Day is just two weeks away.
 You still have time to get her somethng nice...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!




  1. So, I guess if you paint your car, you can't change the registration to the new color. Is that how this shit works? Asking for a friend...

    Well, you do have to cut the top off to register it as a convertible.

    1. You can't register your car as a motorcycle, a boat or an airplane no matter how many rimes you repaint it.

  2. "So, I guess if you paint your car, you can't change the registration to the new color. Is that how this shit works? Asking for a friend..."

    Please tell your friend that people aren't cars. A man is a man is a man. A woman is a woman is a woman. And always will be.

  3. Cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman.
    It makes you a dumbass man who cut his dick off.


The best advice I can offer you today or any day...

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