Monday, January 29, 2024

File this poll under 'No shit, Sherlock'...

A new poll of likely rural voters suggests Americans living outside cities and suburbs favor Trump above all his competitors, both Republican and Democratic.
That support is lukewarm, though. Only a slim majority of rural Trump supporters polled said they would be "very happy" if he were at the top of the GOP ticket, according to the poll of 2,500 Americans conducted Jan. 5-10 by researchers at Maine's Colby College. And, nearly a third of those Trump supporters say their vote is really against Biden, believing the president has ignored their issues during his time in office.
Click on the guy who'll win for the full article.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, most people want it. Dump the mental defective and all the wokesters and bring back the guy who made things work,


I had no idea these even existed. But who needs a Tommy Gun?

This is an online ad from a gun shop up in Tennessee. I gotta admit, it is kinda cool, but aside from showing off at the range, what good is...