Friday, January 19, 2024

Evidently, you can't stay healthy and save money at the same time. WTF is the problem with these so-called 'experts'?

Generic drugs are the singularity of American healthcare – they are too cheap. And it’s driving some manufacturers out of business altogether.
Drug prices regularly spark recrimination and outrage on Capitol Hill, such as a recently announced investigation by Senate Democrats and Bernie Sanders into the price of albuterol inhalers.
“There is no rational reason, other than greed, as to why GlaxoSmithKline charges $319 for Advair HFA in the United States, but just $26 for the same inhaler in the United Kingdom,” Sanders said in a statement.
Americans pay on average 2.5 times more for prescription drugs than other wealthy, developed nations, according to a recent Rand Corporation report. 

Read more about this craziness by clicking on the lady 
with the blue smock on...


  1. I am an x-pat, RN living in Mexico.
    Meds are much less expensive here, plus, most are available over the counter.

  2. I used to travel internationally for work. I would get my prescriptions filled in Europe and the middle east. I could buy name brand drugs cheaper than my deductible for generics cost me at home in Georgia.

  3. Sorry. All those extra dollars are needed for congress (re)election campaign checks, and to pay for all future and ex FDA employees getting or having a fat-paycheck for 'a job well done' while in the FDA.

  4. Somebody has to pay for the research and development. For the most part, that is the American consumer and American insurance companies. Don't get me wrong, greed also factors into the high prices.

    1. I've read the same thing.....America pays for the R+D for the whole fucking Donald Trump brought to light with NATO, we pay for a lot of shit the rest of the world takes advantage of....
