Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Don't you wish she'd just shut up and stay home and count her money?

Former first lady Michelle Obama said in an interview Monday that the 2024 election is among the things that keep her up at night. Obama, who turns 60 later this month, sat down with Jay Shetty for more than an hour for an episode of his On Purpose podcast. She never used former President Donald Trump's name, but told Shetty she feared that Americans were taking 'democracy for granted,' echoing the concerns President Joe Biden shared during his Valley Forge speech Friday. 'What's going to happen in this next election? I am terrified about what could possibly happen because our leaders matter,' Obama said. She continued, 'Who we select speaks for us. Who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted.' 

She's 'terrified' by the outcome - like Joe's presidency isn't frightening enough for her? Click the banner headline to read more...


  1. Yep. Trump takes over and thousands of democrat criminals will be shaking in their pants.

  2. What she needs to be terrified is if the American citizens decide they want retribution and vengeance for what she and her craphole husband pulled on us.

  3. That black tranny needs to find something else to occupy his time.

  4. This pronouncement is a test balloon. Trying to determine if the DNC should replace Pedo Joe with Mike Obama...just what America needs...a tranny in charge.

  5. Big Mike is scared shitless of what an honest and competent DoJ is going to expose. THAT is what he's afraid of. After seeing what his husband did, you can bet they're not worried about the welfare of our country.

  6. Someone should ask her if she's proud of America now, and if so, why....
