Saturday, January 6, 2024

Do you believe anything anyone tells you anymore?

According to your government, the annual inflation rate for the United States was 3.1% for the 12 months ended November, compared to 3.2% previously, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on Dec. 12, 2023. The next update on inflation is scheduled for release on Jan. 11. 
What they are talking about is called 'Core inflation' - a totally worthless number as far as you're concerned. Core inflation is 'the change in the costs of goods and services' but does not include those from the food, housing and energy sectors. Food and energy prices are exempt from this calculation because their prices can be too volatile or fluctuate wildly.
So, when they say inflation was only a combined 7% over the last two years but chicken breasts in the StupidMarket have gone from $ 1.89 a pound to 
$ 3.49 a pound and a loaf of Wonder bread's gone from $ 1.20 to $ 2.00 over them same two years, do they not understand why we think they're all full of shit? Juss' sayin'...




Whenever I see something like this in the news my mind immediately goes to 
'who's the scumbag lawyer behind this and what's his cut of the hundred mil? 
I must be jaded. 
Anyway, some Verizon customers might have found an unexpected surprise in the mail this week: An opportunity to receive a refund as part of a proposed $100 million settlement from a class-action lawsuit.
Eligible customers are receiving postcards or emails alerting them to file a claim by April 15 to receive up to $100, which is the result of the lawsuit accusing Verizon of charging fees that were “unfair and not adequately disclosed.”
I'm not too sure if you can Google it to see if you may be eligible, but it may be worth a shot. I got my notice this week...


WTF is that language on the label? Gotta believe it's gibberish...


USA Boxing, a major governing body for Olympic-style, amateur boxing, announced last week that it would be officially adopting a “transgender policy” as part of its 2024 rule book which allows male athletes who identify as women to compete against females, with some constraints.
In order to qualify to compete against women, males must undergo gender-reassignment surgery and submit to blood testing for four years. Read the full article and weep for humanity. You'll find it here:

Is your wife, girlfriend or daughter 
one of those crazy 'cat ladies'? If she is,
she'd love to have a pair of these...
These earrings are only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping.
Click on the picture for more information.

I guess they don't want the kids in Wales baking anti-social cakes 
or some shit. And just fuckin' forget about making pasta at home, 
kid - that definitely ain't happenin'...

President Biden's plan to erase $10,000 to $20,000 in student loan debt for eligible Americans failed in 2023, and for reasons that were fairly easy to predict. Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled the plan was unconstitutional, and that the President doesn't have the authority to simply wipe away debt with the stroke of a pen. Is it a coincidence that the student debt issue is such a big deal in D.C.? Hmmmm...


Always liked Arno's style of drawing...






  1. There's a big reason the Government is lying about the actual inflation rate. Social Security cost-of-living adjustments are tied to the 'official' inflation rate. Thus by claiming that inflation is only around 3%, the Government can save billions and billions on Social Security.

    Remember at the beginning of Slo Jo's reign, when the inflation rate was at around 6% and there were huge COL increases in SS and SSI? Yeah.

    And then there's the new trick that the FedGov is using to reduce SS and SSI payments. Increases in Medicare. Fuckers..

  2. That "ghost pepper" babyfood looks like it's AI-generated. DALL-E is pretty good at coming up with text that isn't quite made of letters.


Twisted Hillbilly's got a day-drinkin' honey for you to hang out with today...

I know it's a repeat - gotta love them side-boob shots... ...     Have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Here's a nice idea for a...