Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Could there finally be hope for our Vets with PTSD? The VA thinks so...

Last Friday, VA announced that for the first time, VA will directly fund studies on psychedelic-assisted therapies to treat Veterans with PTSD & depression. Veterans and VA researchers have talked about the potential promise of psychedelics to treat mental health conditions for some time. Now the VA will have a chance to study this potential method of treating Veterans with PTSD and major depression across the country.
Read the rest of this report here:




Former President Donald Trump said he hopes the economy 
will crash within the next 12 months in order to better his 
chances in this November's presidential election.
He actually did say that in an interview with Lou Dobbs last night. That's fucked up, DJT.


Seriously - how do you 'lose' a cabinet secretary?

Is this what they meant by 'Puppy Love'?


Need an idea for a Valentine's Day gift?

Just click on the banner.

 Headline from the Post. You can click on it.            

In a perfect example of the old 'Monkee see, monkee do...' of failing politicians, good ole' Murph didn't do dick on his own until Adams tried this is NYC. He's such a passionate man, isn't he?

“As we continue to see more migrants arrive to our state at the hands of the governor of Texas, who is reportedly funding the passengers’ transportation with taxpayer funds, notice to New Jersey officials in advance of these individuals’ anticipated arrival is critical to ensuring the health and safety of passengers once they arrive in New Jersey,” the Democrat wrote.
“Additionally, because we know the vast majority of these individuals are intending to travel to New York City, this information will be shared with our colleagues across the Hudson to ensure the passengers’ health and safety there,” Murphy said.


Is there anyone out there in politics who isn't gaming the system somehow? 
And you wonder why I hate politics as much as I do. 
Buncha friggin' thieves and renegades...

Free speech is free, but not all-inclusive. There's whole 'fire in a theater' thing, plus, if people don't like what you're saying they'll try to shut you up. Other than that, the First Amendment works. Sorta, Well, maybe not so much.


Valentine's Day is coming up soon, and
 showing her you love her is this easy...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 16.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. So, someone had their hands, and other things, up someone's Fani.....no sheit....that is just too funny....now, will anything be done about it?....most likely not....hey, they're democrats, and you know what Shakespeare said....kill all the democ.....I mean lawyers...

  2. "Veterans and VA researchers have talked about the pfotential pfromise of pfsychedelics to treat mental health conditions"
    Fixed it for ya!
