Monday, January 1, 2024

Being resolute isn't as easy as you think it is...


Life in Florida ain't all that easy for guys like me...
Unlike in Northern states, Florida’s trees begin emitting pollen in the winter. Although I won’t see the community blanketed in yellow pollen dust just yet, my allergies are triggered as trees attempt to reproduce.
Central Florida’s mild climate is tricky for seasonal allergy sufferers who, according to the CDC, made up about 1 in 4 adults in 2023. There isn’t really a peak allergy season in the region since allergens circulate throughout the year - it just feels like it sometimes. 
Right now the biggest culprits in Central Florida are juniper trees, but they’re not the only trees that release pollen into the air. Once released, the wind disperses the pollen, according to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension.
Trees and other plants that rely on the wind must put out massive quantities of pollen, as only a small amount will result in seeds. So, every year trees like junipers and later oak trees, which are responsible for the yellow dust, cause literal and figurative headaches for sufferers like me. Yesterday I think I may have sneezed my brains out. Certainly feels like it this morning. (or was it that sixth shot of Glenlivet last night?)


Looks like these Demorat sanctuary-loving dooshtools are out-assholing each other and using these illegals as chessmen in their games, so I say - let the pissing contest begin! 
Buses of migrants have arrived at train station stops in various parts of New Jersey, state and local officials said, an apparent response and workaround to New York City’s executive order limiting an influx of migrants.
Details of the drop offs remain unclear, although Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy’s office said that migrants were taking the train to New York City.



Playwright George Bernard Shaw invited Winston Churchill to one of his plays: 
“I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play. 
Bring a friend — if you have one.”
Winston Churchill got Shaw’s ass by responding: “Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second - if there is one.”



It’s a place where users can explore their fantasies, hook up with other singles or couples, buy tickets to sex-positive events and, from next year, it will also become an advertising platform for brands unable to advertise on social media sites. It has attracted 200,000 members, with about 50,000 active users. Last month, more than 1,000,000 messages were sent on the app.






You don't need a reason to buy someone
 you love something nice. You only need 
a place to find it. Here you go...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:

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