Friday, January 12, 2024

A perfect example of why this AI bullshit is just that...

Someone somewhere thought dredging up and faking 
a very dead George Carlin is a good idea. 
Think again, Skippy - this shit is beyond lame and a 
complete waste of time and energy.
The graphics are lame, the voice doesn't sound anything like him, and the jokes ain't jokes. At least when Carlin was on a rant, he could still make you chuckle. This bullshit can't. Carlin's daughter has called them out on this nonsense. Find that article  here:

1 comment:

  1. One minute and 4 seconds. All I could take.


It's a great idea, but will they enforce it?

  Panama will reportedly start imposing a fine of up to $5,000 on illegal migrants caught crossing through the DariĆ©n Gap jungle trail, Pres...