Friday, December 15, 2023

Would you let your son or daughter get away with doing this?

 It's one thing for them, to do it out in the Land of Fruits and Nuts, but in Philly? 
How did the not get their asses kicked...  
A protest calling for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza ended after the group blocked traffic on I-76 westbound and the Spring Garden Street Bridge in Philadelphia on Thursday night. 
The protest, which involved roughly 150 people, lasted about three hours. Initially, the protesters, organized by the group Jewish Voice for Peace, blocked traffic on I-76 right before rush hour traffic. Philadelphia Police Commissioner John Stanford said the protesters drove in cars to get on the highway, got out of them and blocked traffic. I can not say this often enough - if this shit happened in front of my in my truck, I would absofuckin'lutely run these motherfuckers into the gutter. Juss' sayin'



This should be on any day now. Hard to imagine 
this movie was made 20 years ago...


Greyhound bus ad, Christmas, 1945


Family game nights might be a little different nowadays...


There's no way this guy isn't doing a shadow campaign for 2024. Gavin Newsom told Seth Meyers on Wednesday he was 'very defensive' of San Francisco, and felt the city's problems were exaggerated by Republicans. He said California was 'the temple of the American recovery', pointing out the high rate of job growth. 'It's values are a stark contrast - the difference is daylight and darkness - to the Republican party ,' Newsom added.

I haven't tasted this specific taste in eight years. For whatever reason 
(and it can't be just because of the water) they just can NOT produce a decent hard roll here in Florida. Maybe somebody up in Jersey could freeze a couple dozen and ship 'em down to me for Christmas maybe?


Okay now - today's your last chance...
You have to order something today to
get it  in time for her for Christmas...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $28.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:
Click on  any of these pictures below for more information 
on that specific item - the page will open in a new tab.


Remember - if you've been to her website and you saw 
something you liked but didn't purchase it, 
you need to pull that trigger today. 
We're leaving town tomorrow and won't be back for a week and the guy
who's staying here won't be able to ship anything...


1 comment:

  1. A protest calling for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza ended after the group blocked traffic on I-76 westbound and the Spring Garden Street Bridge in Philadelphia on Thursday night. Philadelphia, fuck. bunch of limp wristed libs were probably jumping out of their cars cheering them on.
    ....That's why they don't do that shit in the deep south, way to many red blooded American patriots with 4 wheel drives just looking for anything to drive over, through or jump. i can just hear the transfer cases changing over and see the coal roll from here. our boy's don't play that shit. hey guys watch this !!! is their motto.
    yea, you ain't seen that crap happen in Fla either, have you. and there is a good reason. people know that there will be serious repercussions of some kind by more than just a few .
