Friday, December 1, 2023

What a waste of time and oxygen...

 Last night's incredibly highly touted Red State
Blue State Debate on Fox was a waste of time and just plain embarassing...  

I watched for a total of 20 minutes before I threw up in my mouth and changed the channel. DeSantis was overly defensive and Newsome didn't answer a single question asked of him. Sean Hannity may be good on the radio, but he sucks as a moderator. 

We learned aboslutely fuckin' zero last night except that maybe these so-called 'debates' are a waste of time and oxygen. Reason number 73 why I hate politics. Juss' sayin'...

For a couple of very special, emotional meanings 
that I hold dear to my heart, Orion's appearance in the early winter sky reminds me that, in spite of everything that appears to be fucked up around us, that life is pretty damn good and very, very precious...



New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco are three of the most expensive cities on the planet to live in, according to a new report. 
New York tied with Geneva as the third most expensive city on earth in this year’s Economist Intelligence Unit’s Worldwide Cost of Living report.

1951 Blatz Beer ad, part of “I lived in Milwaukee, I ought to know” series that featured prominent celebrities, sports figures and famous folks because they lived there, or near there, at some point in their lives. This one features famous comedian and actor Groucho Marx, who was born in New York City, but according to the ad copy he “played Milwaukee dozens of times.” At least they changed the headline to “I’ve been to Milwaukee, I ought to know…




According to sources and the New York Post, Big Apple drivers could be on the hook for a $15 toll to travel on busy Manhattan streets under a congestion pricing proposal expected to be filed with MTA officials and publicly released Thursday.
The Traffic Mobility Review Board (TMRB) is expected to recommend the $15 fee for passenger cars, pickup trucks and SUVs driving south of 60th Street between 5 a.m. and 9 p.m. during the workweek, according to a document reviewed by The Post. On weekends, that amount would be assessed from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
There's a couple of things worth pointing out whenever you read bullshit like this. First and foremost is - you gotta be a fuckin' idiot to want to drive in to Manhattan at any time other than the middle of the night, and why the fuck would you want to do that anyway? 
Most importantly, though, you have to realize that this is nothing more than another way these money-hungry scumbags get in to your pocket. Who the fuck is gonna believe that by charging more to get in at a given time is going to reduce traffic in any meaningfull way?

Christmas is barely three weeks from
 now, and if you want to get something
 truly special, you have to act fast...

Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping.
Order by December 14th to ensure delivery.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:



This week's bitch of the month contestant? According to, it's legalized gambling. According to them, the United States is heading into a “quagmire, if not crisis” of gambling addiction among young people, according to counselors and clinicians – prompting calls for a regulatory crackdown.
Treatment clinics are grappling with an influx of patients in their teens and early 20s and helplines are reporting record levels of calls. “There’s a lot of kids that are gambling,” said Felicia Grondin, executive director of the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey.
Ironically, New Jersey was the state that led the charge for the legalization of sports betting and, in 2018, successfully convinced the supreme court to overturn a decades-old federal law that prohibited the state from legalizing sports betting. How long before they realize legalizing weed is also a major fuck-up?

Today's kids will never know the sound that this device made...


  1. Why would anyone ever want to drive in NYC?
    The greatest pleasure I've ever experienced was the time I cut off a taxi driver trying to make right turn when the streets used to run two ways; yeah! it was that long ago..

  2. What to know about last night's debate. (1) Fox was trying to keep DeSantis' campaign alive on life support. Too late. He's become an also-ran, just like the rest of the non-Trump campaigners. (2) Fox was using this event to put life into a Newsom campaign for when Biden backs out after the convention and the DNC selects Newsom and Big Mike to take the democrat ticket. And (3) Hannity was using this event to try to get folks to forget he was one of Fox's lead clotshot advocates.

    1. I have put Hannity in the problem category, not the solution category for years.

  3. Orwell called this one too. The resilience in the popularity of the NFL is directly related to fantasy - read gambling - fans. But hey, maybe the Dems will forgive gambling debt one day.

  4. As long as they have a record, it's easy to look at what they've done. Not much point in listening to what they say.

  5. I loved the ad for Amos and Andy in the Blatz ad. My grandfather's favorite show. Just imagine it today.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...