Monday, December 11, 2023

This is what hatred can do to people's minds - it makes 'em fuckin' stupid.

Hating DJT as much as they do, 43% of registered voters would actually vote to keep Joe Biden in office for another four years. Keep that number in mind the next time you go out to a HomeDepot or a supermarket. Four out of every ten of the people around you are that fuckin' stupid - even after three years of this mumbling, stumbling jackass. Imagine that...



I'm SO old, I can remember back to when The NewYorker Magazine 
actually had funny cartoons that you could understand.



A C-47 Air Transport Command plane flies over the pyramids in Egypt loaded 
with urgent war supplies and materials. It was one of a fleet flying 
shipments to strategic battle zones in 1943

Of course, if you go to the other side of the aisle, you'd think 
that 47% of the people supporting a loud-mouth spitefull fraudster 
is craziness. Or at least that's the way they'd see it. 
So, yeah, perspective is a bitch...


Christmas will be here two weeks from today
but you have to act fast. 
There's only one of these available, 
and need to order it by December 15th...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $55.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

One more reminder - if you've been to her website and you saw 
something you liked but didn't purchase it, you need to pull that 
trigger very soon. There are single items that appear in three or 
four people's 'carts', so if ya snooze ya lose. Juss' sayin'...




What's more frightening to you? The fact that these people exist or the fact that these people only exist so that the media will shine a light on their ludicrous behaviour? Either way, we get in to that whole 'waste of oxygen' conversation, don't we?



  1. 47-43 percent (if true) is within election-stealing range.

  2. Somewhere in my Pile o’ Old Stuff is a photo, taken in 1981, of an A-10, an F-16 and 2 Egyptian AF F-4’s in almost that same spot that C-47 is in. It was taken during joint country exercises when the squadron I was stationed with was deployed to Egypt. Yes, I’ve actually touched those pyramids. They’re friggin massive!

  3. Trump is linked to Syngenta, the evil Chinese-owned manufacturer of glyphosate and paraquat products that allow people to kill their neighbors by torture and walk...'cos these poisons are self-punishing. There are lots of people I'd prefer to Trump. Biden is SO NOT one of them.
