Monday, December 11, 2023

There's this little tiny town in the middle of the Irish countryside...

This is the town of Doochary in County Donegal, Ireland. It hosts a really nice pub (, a recycling center, a small general store (milk/bread/newspapers/smokes) and a B&B that used to be the old GARDA (Police) station that's since been cnverted in to a B&B of sorts. 

The town is the closest center to my brother TJ's cottage located nearby in the enclave of Classy on the Gweebarra River. The Gweebarra is a tidal river with great fishing along it's lengths.
If there was a way for me to live there, I'd suffer the winter weather gladly...


  1. Joe I lived in the Republic for about 12 years and raised a daughter there. I couldn't take any more of the B.S. Socialism and moved back to the states in 2013. Sadly it appears that same B.S. is infesting the America I loved most of my life.

    Eddie Raffs

  2. Beautiful place...looks as if it could be in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Well, that's why so many of our ancestors came here...
