Saturday, December 16, 2023

I'm taking my lead from Kenny today...

Man, I could use a Pina Colada
Little bit of sun on my skin
A hammock, a book
Never gonna look back
Once my feet hit the sand
I've had it up to here with this rat race
Need a smile on my face
I wanna go where I can lighten up the load
Drive a little while on the wrong side of the road
Get this laying low off to a flying start
Play my guitar in the Caribbean sun
Hang with the locals at the Quiet Mon
Where you can be a tourist, a beach bum, or a star
And be as you are...

Thanks to each and every one of you who
 bought jewelry from Barbara this year:
She's prouder'nall gittup that so many of you chose 
her work to gift friends and loved ones. Thank you all. 
She can't ship any more this year. Again, thanks!

 Florida became too popular for its own good during the pandemic, as both young professionals and the wealthy (the state attracts more ultrawealthy movers than anywhere else in the country) flocked to the state during the initial remote work boom. It all accelerated Florida’s cost of living; home prices in Florida have increased by 73.5% over the past five years and some metro areas in the state have seen some of the fastest rising inflation in the nation, making the once affordable state not so affordable for some retirees.


Ya know, THIS is Florida, also...



If ya need me, I'll be down there looking for her. 
Just don't mention that to Babs...


If anything noteworth happens during the next week, I'll post it. C'yuz...


  1. R "on the road again" video looks like it's from a Los Angeles freeway. Avoid those at all costs unless you are towing a trailer and taking the freeway out of the state.

  2. Who is that slender bikini blonde honey blowing a kiss our way in in the video?
