Friday, December 29, 2023

How can Feds sue States for doing shit the Feds themselves should be doing? It really is Bizzaro World...

According to an article in the New York Post, the Biden administration warned Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday that legal action will be taken if the state enforces a new law that allows authorities to arrest, jail, prosecute and deport migrants who enter the country illegally. 
A Justice Department official said in a letter sent to Abbott that the law was unconstitutional and “contrary to the US commitment of ensuring the processing of noncitizens consistent with the Immigration and Nationality Act.” The law, dubbed SB4 or Senate Bill 4, is part of the state’s Operation Lone Star. It goes into effect on March 5.
“SB 4 is preempted and violates the United States Constitution. Accordingly, the United States intends to file suit to enjoin the enforcement of SB 4 unless Texas agrees to refrain from enforcing the law,” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton wrote.
Couldn'ta said it better myself, Lucy...


  1. THAT shows you EXACTLY what "Law Enforcement" and the "Legal" system in this country have become.
    ESPECIALLY at the Federal level.

  2. "A Justice Department official..." Hmmm....?
    "I've Got a Little List" from the Mikado

  3. We have an idiot running the country and ALL MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ARE COMPLICIT WITH THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR NATION. The have to be complicit. Why isn't anyone in Congress standing up for the country? Why else would our borders be open? Jesus Christ, I CAN'T GO TO FUCKING CANADA WITHOUT A PASSPORT!! Not that i want to, that nation is being run by an idiot also.

  4. Ummmmm ... you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that the term "illegal" means against the law. But the libtards have done quite a job changing the term to an innocuous word... Immigrant. Those millions of illegal aliens are poisoning our once great nation.

  5. Remember chillins, everything the Notzees and Commies did, was legal. Just pass the right legislation and you're golden! Then, there is Natural Law, that "They" apparently think doesn't apply to "Them". We'll see.


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