Friday, December 29, 2023

Thermo-nuclear insignifica...


Need a birthday or anniversary gift idea?

Click on the picture for information on this item.
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
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  1. A series of high explosive lenses created a symmetrical, spherical shock wave that crushed a soft ball size sphere of plutonium to critical density and mass. In 1 millionth of a second the 100 generations of doublings of neutron mediated atomic splitting was over. After that it was just a matter of the initial energy created blowing the damned thing apart.

  2. Speaking of nit-picking, it was an atomic blast, not a nuclear blast. They are different.


Thank Twisted Hillbilly for giving us another stunning HillBetty...

I'm an absolute sucker for these  side-boob shots...