Friday, December 8, 2023

Crash and burn, you obfuscating bitch...

 Hopefully, she'll be the first of many of 'em 
who just need to go away...

The U.S. president makes $400,000 per year. But numerous university presidents make more than double that. At least 50 public university presidents earn twice what President Joe Biden does yearly, some making four or five times as much, according to a 2023 report from the Chronicle of Higher Education. The report, which gathered the 2022 salary data for more than 500 chief executives of both private and public universities, lists 21 public university presidents who made more than $1 million. 
This piece of shit makes nearly $ 2,000,000.00 a year at her post, but that's chicken shit compared to her predecessor. Amy Gutmann, the former president of the University of Pennsylvania, received nearly $23 million in total compensation in 2021. While Gutman was President of the school she paid $ 400,000.00 a year to Joe Biden for no reason whatsoever. 

It's time to clean this swamp, too...


  1. All the Ivy's have been comfortably preaching race hate and genocide against whites for Decades. Nobody notices, nobody cares. But notice that the Jews on campus are white! And treat them the way you have been taught to treat whites and the world ends. I don't care about Jews hate on campus any more than white hate. Fix one and you fix the other, but you can't say hate whitey for being white but love the Jews for being white

    And "You can't antisemitism me into accepting genocide."

  2. It looks like getting a good job in the Education Industry pays well.

  3. First off it is NOT the job of any public school administrator to take any side on a political issue period! Unless the school is a privately funded institution with their own agenda. I have no problem with a school’s administration making they’re student body aware of current events, because let’s face it most kids, even us when we were that age, don’t give a fat rat’s patootie what’s going on. When I was young the only reason most kids became involved in causes like Vietnam or racial justice was to get in some girls or guys pants that you were trying to impress with your faux social conscience…


You can fight City Hall, but Facebook? Fugedaboutit...

The book, written by a former director of global public policy at Meta, Sarah Wynn-Williams, was called by the New York Times book review “a...