Thursday, December 7, 2023

A quarter of a century almost disappeared...

 When does 25 years seem like a lifetime? 
1: when you're 25 
2: today
I know it's a Jersey plate. I know I live in Florida now, and this plate is still on the front of my truck here because Florida only requires the one rear plate. It was the plates that I had on the Suzuki Samurai that I had back at the Jersey Shore when I moved home from the Caribbean. I'm going back down next week to retrieve it's sister plate from the ceiling of the Quiet Mon Pub in Cruz Bay before it closes for good. 
I moved back to the states from St. John 25 years ago today. Impossible to believe - a quarter of a century has flown by in the blink of an eye.

This is the Quiet Mon. It's been a fixture on StJ for 26 years. 
Landlord's driving them out I guess. Too bad - cool bar.


Here's your comforting thought for the day: A former Tesla employee in Norway has come forward as skeptical of the company’s ethically questionable practices with regards to its driver assistance software packages. In an interview with the BBC Lukasz Krupski said he was concerned about the readiness of the both company’s software and hardware for the task of assisted driving. The reams of leaked data Krupski took with him, including customer complaints about Tesla’s braking and so-called Full Self Driving package, seem to support his skepticism.

I wonder if they even discuss this anymore in schools. 
They must be too busy deciding which bathroom they 
can use and what their preferred pronouns are.


It was reported this morning that 19,000 fence-jumpers came in to this country yesterday. In one day. 19,000 people.

There is no method to this madness. It will be the end of this country as we know it, and the however many millions of people who voted for this brain-dead motherfucker in the White House are all to blame.Look at the price we will all pay for the hated of one man - DJT. Unbelievable. They can all have the same bumper-sticker on their cars: 


There's still time left to discover really
 nice Christmas gift ideas like this......
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet.
It's only $48.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

Nah - they don't think we're idiots...

Survival of the fittest? According to the New York Post, that may just be a maybe. Exercise might not be the key to longevity, according to new research — in fact, too much moving around could even be accelerating the aging process in our bodies, Scandinavian scientists have revealed. The ambitious study on the oft-discussed subject has yet to be peer-reviewed, but recently won a national sports medicine prize in Finland, where the research was conducted over a 45-year period. 
Multiple studies have previously confirmed that those who exercise more live longer and healthier lives. This time however, researchers at the University of Jyvaskyla found that physical activity might just be a small part of the larger picture and in some cases may have negative health impacts.


1 comment:

  1. My dad's side of the family. Fit, healthy people who all died around 69-75. Mom's side of the family that she and her mother and her mother's father and her mother's grandparents? Fat, rotund, host of health issues, lived till 95 or older, everyone.

    One fat guy fought in the Civil War.

    Couple fat guys fought in the Revolution.

    I resemble my mother and her 'unhealthy' ancestors.


I gotta make these tougher...