Thursday, November 2, 2023

Who would ever take advice from a friggin' 'blogster'? I did, and look where it got me...


If you're like me, you hate waking up to bad news? 
Hey - guess what - it does get cold down here...


A coalition of big city mayors is headed to Washington on Thursday to urge the federal government to offer more help with the surge in migrants that are overwhelming their cities’ budgets and services.
The Democratic entourage will include the mayors of New York City and Chicago, along with Denver Mayor Michael Johnston, according to a press release from his office. Johnston is leading the group.
The full article that (sort of) explains what they're hoping to accomplish is here:


Every once in a while you have to be reminded again of the greatness in some people. The news is so full of conflict, embarrasment, corruption and dishonor it's hard to hold on to your faith in your fellow man. 
This man's name was Robert D. Maxwell. 
And this from the Citation for his Medal of Honor:
"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty on 7 September 1944, near Besancon, France. Technician 5th Grade Maxwell and 3 other soldiers, armed only with .45 caliber automatic pistols, defended the battalion observation post against an overwhelming onslaught by enemy infantrymen in approximately platoon strength, supported by 20mm. flak and machinegun fire, who had infiltrated through the battalion's forward companies and were attacking the observation post with machinegun, machine pistol, and grenade fire at ranges as close as 10 yards. 
Despite a hail of fire from automatic weapons and grenade launchers, Technician 5th Grade Maxwell aggressively fought off advancing enemy elements and, by his calmness, tenacity, and fortitude, inspired his fellows to continue the unequal struggle. When an enemy hand grenade was thrown in the midst of his squad, Technician 5th Grade Maxwell unhesitatingly hurled himself squarely upon it, using his blanket and his unprotected body to absorb the full force of the explosion. 
This act of instantaneous heroism permanently maimed Technician 5th Grade Maxwell, but saved the lives of his comrades in arms and facilitated maintenance of vital military communications during the temporary withdrawal of the battalion's forward headquarters."
Technician 5th Grade Maxwell: We humbly salute you and thank you for your life and your service. Maxwell died on May 11, 2019, but his story lives on in my heart.



I've never heard of this 'Lucid Air'. Have you?

Wanna know the number one reason Joe Biden shouldn't be re-elected? 
So he can be charged with a shitload of crimes. Just like they're doing to Trump. You know the saying 'follow the money'? 
Well, when all the dust settles, we're finally gonna find out how much money this senile old fuck has scammed over the years...
Comer is doing a great job getting to the heart of this scheme. Read the House report:

In case you were wondering, the Silent Generation, (the 2%'ers in the graph) are also known as "Radio Babies" or "Traditionalists." This group includes people who were born between 1928 and 1945 and lived through World War II and the Great Depression - you know, our parents and grandparents...


Reason vary on why, but none the less, it's a common question - more common than you might have thought:



  1. We'll find out about Biden's criminal activities the day after they release Epstein's client list - in other words, never . And for the same reason - it would implicate too many powerful people .

    And don't compare Biden to Carter - despite being an ineffective President, no one would doubt that Carter loved this country and did what he thought was best for the USA , not what was best to personally enrich himself .

  2. 31º here in western ny this morning

  3. Yeah, those big-city mayors have a message for Biden: "Send us more of those sweet, sweet Federal Dollars for us to spread around."

  4. Ev driving range is akin to gas mileage. Neither are truthful in reality but possible under perfect conditions they would rather not disclose. If ev transportation was viable then we would have been driving them for over a century. EV's are proving to be the same pain in the arse it was back in the 1900's despite all the science


The real cost of illegals is higher than you want to belive,,,

The eye-watering financial cost of the migrant crisis hit $150 billion  last year and is causing devastating consequences for residents of h...